Megan A. Combs at the law firm of Megan A. Combs P.C.
We are in the heart of Castle Rock and have been providing legal services to families in our community for 30 years.
When facing a change in your family; divorce, separation, adoption and inevitably, death, we can help you put together a plan to provide security for yourself and those you love.
Use the only the services you need from all inclusive representation in complex divorce cases to drafting separation agreements, prenuptial agreements, and wills. We provide courtroom representation in in full contested custody or divorce cases or more limited courtroom representation for restraining orders and emergency custody modification hearings.
Services tailored for your needs.
unbundled legal service
A la cart services tailored to your needs
Assistance in contested and non-contested divorce and custody cases including representation at trial
Drafting assistance to ensure you have thorough Separation Agreements that do what you want them to
Drafting assistance to ensure that you have a thoughtful realistic Parenting Plan for your children
Use attorney services to draft or review documents you drafted: wills, trusts, powers of attorney, guardianship, medical decision making and financial decision making plans.
Photo by Marcin Balcerzak/Hemera / Getty Images
restraining orders and emergency hearings
Now known as Protection Orders, an initial protection order can be issued by the court "ex parte", without the other party knowing about it or appearing in court. After the initial hearing the Order must be served on the other party and both parties must appear in the courtroom within 14 days of the day the initial temporary order was granted. Consult with an attorney before your court appearance. Decide how much assistance you need and let us represent you or prepare you to represent yourself.
Adoption Guardianship wills and Trust
Protect your family and all who rely on you. We can set up a guardianship or adoption for a child that lives in your home or a guardianship and conservatorship for a disabled child who reaches the age of 21. Older family members who need protection and need you to handle their financial matters or medical care can be protected through guardianships, conservatorships or powers of attorney.
Wills and trusts allow you to provide for those who depend on you and those you wish to receive benefits from your estate, including causes and charities for whom you wish to provide long lasting support.
Photo by Chris Ryan/OJO Images / Getty Images